Classes are available for children age 4 (as of Sept through May)
Tuition is $75/child/month.
Classes are offered in the following subjects:
- Quran Recitation with Tajweed and Tafseer
- Islamic Studies – Tahdeeb, Akhlaq, Fiqh, Aqeedah, Dua’a, Hadeeth, Salah
- Arabic Language Reading and Writing
- Quran/Arabic/Islamiat blended
- Textbook sets by grade purchased by parent
- Year long curriculum map by grade on teacher’s Google Classroom
- Benchmarks at end of each semester
- Class newsletter posted on teacher’s Google classroom weekly
- Homework for practice/reinforcement purposes
- Student academic progress, attendance, and conduct
records available on Google classroom Grades privately - Classroom expectations and supply lists posted on
teacher’s Google classroom page
Classes Schedule
- 10:00 AM – Morning Assembly (Required)
- 10:15 AM – Quran/Arabic/Islamiat (integrated lessons)
- 12:00 PM – Lunch / Recess (Students are allowed to bring their own lunch)
- 12:30 PM – Quran/Arabic/Islamiat (integrated lessons)
– Wudu - 2:00 PM – Salah Dhur
- 2:15 PM – Dismissal from classrooms